Basic Safety Training
The objective of the training is to give all persons intending to go to sea a basic induction in safety procedures and accident prevention and to familiarize them the employment conditions and working environment on board merchant vessels.
On meeting the minimum standard of competence specified in Table A-VI/1-2 of STCW,
A trainee successfully completing this course will be able to:
comply with emergency procedures
take precautions to prevent pollution of the marine environment
observe safe working practices
understand orders and be understood in relation to shipboard duties
contribute to effective human relationships on board ship
Learning Outcome
This course gives the learner to
Communicate and deliver orders effectively;
Use safety equipment and take escape routes per instructions;
Take safety precautions before enclosed space entry;
Identify emergency signals in station bill;
Learn the proper use of Lock Out Tag Out;
Take safety measures regarding pollution prevention during their duties;
Understand and comply with policies on drug and alcohol;
Create and maintain appropriate employee relations.
On completion of the training, the trainees will have knowledge of the way in which fires are
caused and the precautions to be taken to minimize the risk of fire in ships. They will be
able to:
(i) Maintain a state of readiness to respond to emergency situations involving fires
aboard ships;
(ii) Use of firefighting apparatus and appliances provided on board;
(iii) Act as a member of a fire party, including use of self-contained breathing
Learning Outcome
This course gives the attending candidate to
Identify the essential elements of a fire and subsequently know how to proceed safely in
managing fire conditions and prevent the spread thereof.
Define their role as an emergency fire fighter along with describing how risks to themselves
and others can be minimised effectively in addition to prescribing emergency contacts in
the event of a fire.
Identify the need of establishing a firefighting team along with the responsible person in
case of evacuation of the workplace and the steps to follow in completing an accident
report form.
Identify the prescribed and required firefighting equipment which should be available in the
Describe the safe use of the firefighting equipment when fighting a fire and preventing its
spread, and
Conduct and perform an emergency scene survey through the identification of fire hazards
in the workplace in addition to impediments to safe fire evacuation unique to the
workplace or job site.
This syllabus covers the requirement of Section A -VI/1 and Table A-VI/1-3 of STCW Code.
The objective of the training is to give all persons intending to go to sea a basic knowledge
of the immediate action to be taken upon encountering an accident or other medical
emergency aboard ship.
Learning Outcome
On completion of this course, learners will be:
Able to understand how and when to administer first aid
Able to provide appropriate treatment for the purpose of preserving life
Able to minimise the consequences of injury until the arrival of medical assistance
Able to provide appropriate treatment for an injury which does not require the attention of a
medical practitioner or nurse
Familiar with health & safety legislation on first aid in the workplace (e.g. Contents of First
Aid Box